development Software Development

Photometric Light Graphs

Photometric Light Graphs!
The release of Real IES 3.2 is imminent and among the various upgrades and changes described in this article, we added a new user-requested .CSV file exporter for the LightList. This way you can easily export all the candelas per angle generated with Real IES, and use this data to plot graphs in other software such as Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc, Libre Office Calc, Google Sheets, and so on.

Export CSV File from Real IES

a photometric light created with Real IES 3.2 and exported as a .csv file.

We are sure that this new feature will be quite useful for all the experienced light designers. In fact, the possibility to plot graphs is going to be an excellent way to communicate how the lighting model will work in your project. Our thanks go to Gerald K. for pointing out the necessity to implement such a feature.

If you already own a license of Real IES go on, grab the latest version of Real IES from the Releases page, try this new .CSV exporter, and let us know what do you think about it.

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development Software Development

Real IES 3.2

While working on Real IES 4, we decided to add some improvements to the Real IES 3 life cycle too, and here is a list of some features you should expect in the next few weeks.
Of course, any upgrade comes at no cost if you already have a license of Real IES 1, 2, or 3. We appreciate your support in our tool that recently had its 5th birthday, and we want to express our gratitude with lifelong updates even if the price changed in these years.

Anyway, first of all, the LightCone display has been upgraded and the rendering is now much, much more consistent with what you will have in your render.


Real IES photometric light cone rendering

The “display mode” option on the right end of the user interface is going away 🙂 In Real IES 4, there won’t be the preview or inspector anymore.


Second, you will find a smoother visual experience thanks to the improved anti-aliasing both for the Full HD and 4K UI mode.

Real IES photometric curves graph

Although this feature may feel less important, we all know how stressed can be our eyes after an intense production period. My wish is that Real IES can be as light as possible for your eyes.

Now for something, you all asked many times and I always promised but never integrated: the LightList manual input

Real IES photometric parameter override with manual input

Hack your IES files to the bone with the manual override. You asked me for better granularity and this is the second step in that direction (the first one is the “granular light spikes” in LightGraph but that is already there for two years).

There will be other features for Real IES 4 like a mixer, a node system, load file with drag and drop, and more. All of this thanks to your continuous feedback: you asked it and we did it!

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development Software Development

Photometrc light with Real IES 3.1

Our photometric light creation tool – Real IES 3.1 – is out today!
there are plenty of fixes starting from an even more extended parser for IESNA variants. Real IES 3.1 is now capable to read and write more versions of .ies files and this makes the tool more versatile than ever. The thanks go to all the 3d artists, VFX specialists and lighting designers who constantly sent us “unsupported” .ies files

Real IES 3.1 has now an “Options Window” where there are going to sit all the future toggles and switches related to the behavior of the tool. For the moment there is a “HiDPI” toggle (available only if the resolution is higher than the FullHD), and a “microcandela” precision support.
Real IES is being used by lighting designers will all the kind of fixtures, from tungsten to halogen and even LEDs components and we are working more and more to expand every feature to support all of them both bor lighting design and CGI usage (with offline and real-time rendering in mind).

We also moved the “Login Window” inside the main UI of the program, this way it is always possible to reach everything, from contacting the @support to opening the manual.

There is also an experimental new companion Mobile App called “Real IES Mobile“. We are still in beta and we just announced it. The intent of this new app is to “grab” real world photometric lights using the same quick and intuitive approach of Real IES and store them in a new lightweight file format named .RIM
At the moment is still early to say how and if this app will be useful as intended, but we decided to invest also in this direction to provide a full range of tools for our users. Only the usage on the business field and your feedback will define the evolution and the destiny of this tool.

Real IES 3.1 now supports 64-bit although the RAM usage is always very contained. We also fixed the RegKey on the PC version and users upgrading from 3.0 may have to login once again in the tool. The Render Academy Support Team is very reliable in any kind of inconvenience and they will be particularly active in monitoring the upgrades these days.

Finally, we upgraded the User Manual and we are going to record some new video tutorials on photometric lighting with Real IES 3.1

The upgrade is free as usual and I would be very glad if after using it you’d provide some feedback.

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development Software Development

Real IES Mobile (beta)

Real IES Mobile is now available as a beta on Google Play.

Real IES Mobile beta on Google Play
Although this mobile app is quite limited at the moment, you still have the possibility to participate actively in the development by installing it and giving us some feedback. The app is marked as “early access” in Google Play for this reason.

With it, you can “grab” an existing light by overlaying a custom photometric light. Real IES Mobile produces a very optimized *.rim file, that can be parsed and converted to a *.ies format by Real IES 3.1 (out very soon).
I hope this can be of some help to architects and lighting designers. I already have a full list of new features to be added on “download milestones” and according to users feedback.

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development Software Development

Light for Realtime

Light for realtime is a new focus in the development of Real IES. At PlaySys we are planning to add modules sections to the software in the same way as we did for Real HDR (PhotoBooth and SkyLight).

Light for RealtimeOur intention is to add a new section to the software where users working on videogames can craft beautiful yet iper-optimised lights for the game engines.
This way Real IES will increase its flexibility in the game development industry as well as the cinema, VFX, architecture and offline rendering in general.

This new massive feature is far from being complete, but we are working on it and any suggestion/feedback/request is much appreciated.

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Real IES Mobile

One idea I have since a long time is Real IES Mobile to generate photometric files on the go, though the main question that stopped me for all this time is “why a person should generate these photometric files in the free time?” I mean, if you have a PC or a Mac you’d use them to generate your file during your working time, saving the free time for other stuff.

Real IES Mobile preview

Recently however I got an idea: capture a photometric file from the reality and transfer it in your render. Now as always, Real IES is created for simplicity and quick approach. True we have the engineering mode that computes real photometric parameters, but the rendering mode is where Real IES gives its best. What I am trying to say is that if you are a light designer you can, of course, have precise results with Real IES, but the tool has been designed with 3D/CGI/VFX artists in mind.

So, long story short, I decided to develop this mobile version of Real IES to overlay a simplified .ies light above the mobile’s camera image. This way you can imitate a real light that you want to transpose in 3D (or you can use the tool to see how a certain light may fit in your interior) and then fine tune it in the desktop version or Real IES.

Real IES Mobile preview

The process is much simpler to do than explain but practically:

  • download and install the free app Real IES Mobile
  • start it and use the integrated (auto-focusing) camera to frame your walls
  • craft a beautiful and simplified photometric light using the sliders (or find inspiration through my usual surprise me button)
  • export the file in .rim; this file is ultra optimized for mobile devices
  • connect your mobile device to your PC or Mac
  • navigate in the folder where the device saves the files (at the moment of writing this: 0/Android/Data/com.playsys.realIESmobile/files)
  • select the .rim files you like; for your convenience, there are two files per each light: a .rim and a .png with a visual preview.
  • open the .rim file with Real IES 3 both on PC or Mac
  • edit and improve your light, export the .ies file and proceed in your favorite  rendering software

As said, easier to do than to write it down.

I hope this new free app may be useful for your lighting productions!

PS: this is how Real IES Mobile looked in the first prototype version:

Real IES Mobile prototype
Real IES Mobile prototype

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Real IES 3 trailer

Our video editor, Mattia Borghetti, just made this trailer for our other software, Real IES 3, taking inspiration from the great Persona 5 video game. I know this is a different topic, but it is worth watching it.


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development Software Development

Real IES 3 is out

Finally, after months and months of research and development we finally released a new, redesigned version of Real IES. Real IES 3 is out!

The feature list is massive and includes a total redesign of the user interface and a reflow of the code to increase the performances.

Real IES 3 user interface features

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development Software Development

UI color consistency

Since the two C-Planes are represented with different colors in the LightGraph (yellow = 0-180 C-Plane; cyan = 90-270 C-Plane), I painted also the sliders of the two panels with the appropriate colors.

UI Color consistency

Now it is immediately understandable which angle the editing candelas belong to.

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development Software Development

Load and Save files

In modern software nothing seems more obvious that the possibility to Load and Save files. Real IES suffered from a goofy and uncommon user interface to browse the files before parsing their content. this is why in the process of restyling Real IES 3 UI, we decided to opt for a conventional yet more understandable system form.

Load and Save files

And this is how it looks on Windows. Also Real IES 3 will adapt the UI on Mac (actually, to be precise, the software picks the path from the System Form, so the merit goes to Microsoft and Apple).

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